
In line with the company mission and culture, that is to say the central role of the traveller, the Company is committed to ensure the wider protection of the rights of the users above all through the attention to the needs of their own clients, their appreciation, critics, suggestions, complaints, which represent an incentive in order to better address the company choices and set the targets for the continuous improvement of the service.

Complaints can be forwarded:

  • Via email to;
  • Via email using the forms indicated below, either for the Railway and for the Car Service, according to the indications given by the Transport Regulation Authority;
  • Via regular mail addressed to the registered office of the company: Ferrovie Appulo Lucane s.r.l. – corso Italia, 8 – 70123 BARI – ITALY
  • Via fax at +39 / 080 / 57 25 497
  • Through registers written in Italian and English, available at the station ticket offices.

It is no possible to file a complaint by phone.

Ferrovie Appulo Lucane s.r.l. commits to give a reply to the complaints that ask for an answer, within a month from the date of the company protocol, notifying to the user if the complaint has been receive, rejected or still in progress.

However, the necessary time to give a final answer has to be within three months from the date of the company protocol.

In order to reply to the complaint, it is necessary for the user to give the following data:

name – surname – address – phone number – email and a precise description of the event (date – time – number of the train or bus).

The data supplied by the clients are treated in compliance with the Legislative Decree 30th June 2003, n. 196 Code on Personal Data Protection.

In case of an inadequate reply or, in case of the lack of a reply on the part of the Company according to the above-mentioned timing, it is possible to file a complaint, in the second instance, to the Transport Regulation Authority (via Nizza 230, 70126 TURIN – ITALY –

For further information relevant to modes, terms and conditions for filing complaints to the Authority, please click on the following link.

Claims reports for Ferrovie Appulo Lucane

Data of the complainant

Naming (if not physical person):

Data of the user (if different from the complainant) and of other passengers
